Truth #1: Paula Schnebelt lives and keeps an address in Angwin, CA. NOT Napa, CA. According to record on the medical board website and google, her address is listed as Angwin, CA 94508.
It has come to my attention on more than one occasion that she has told clients that she lives in Napa, CA. I cannot guess her exact reasons for telling someone a lie about where you live, but understand that first and foremost a midwife must be honest to her clients about how far away she lives and how long it will take her to arrive at the client's home after being summoned. This can be increasing important, especially in a mom who expects a very fast labor and desires to make sure the midwife will be in attendance on time. You can check the site here:
Truth #2: Paula Schnebelt has been licensed as a midwife since June of 2006. This information is easily accesible on the medical board website here at:$LCEV2.QueryView?P_LICENSE_NUMBER=198&P_LTE_ID=950
According to the website, she obtained her license June 6, 2006 and then renewed her license in February of 2009 and is up to renew her license again in February of 2011. It has come to my attention on several occasion that she has told clients that she has been a midwife for 10+ years or more when the truth is that she has only had her license in California for less than 3 years officially. Why would you tell a client a lie about how long you had been a midwife unless you wanted to cover up your inexperience? Hmmm....
Angwin is part of Napa County. I used to live in the city of Napa, but now live in Calistoga and very often refer to where I live as "Napa". There is no way that Paula would ever hide the fact that she lives in Angwin from one of her clients. In fact, when I lived in Napa - where she delivered my first child - the fact that she lived in Angwin was openly discussed in our first appointment and was no issue at all. If precipitous labor was a valid concern, she would be very open and honest about how long it would take for her to get to your home. I delivered my second baby while living in Calistoga and a precipitous labor and delivery was anticipated and planned for. Paula was at my home within 20 minutes, even though my baby came after 2 short hours of labor. To suggest that she is misleading woman by saying she lives in Napa is sort of silly. It is a topic that would be discussed with each client in detail, well before the due date, and if the client didn't like the fact that she lived 35 minutes away, the client would chose someone else.
I met Paula in 2007 and she was very open and honest that she had only had her license for about a year, but she had been attending births for years as a part of being a doula and during her midwifery training.
Angwin is part of Napa County, but why tell a client, "I'm in Napa" when one lives in Angwin? Because one would want to insinuate that they are closer than they really are. Ask her how many births she has missed in the last three years.
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