Saturday, December 26, 2009

No Update on Complaints

Someone recently asked if there had been any updates on the medical board complaints? At this time, I personally have no way of finding that out. If YOU posted a complaint, you would have the right to call and inquire about it personally, but until the complaints get turned into an official charge by the Attorney General, the information would not be made public. That is why this blog was started so that while the Medical Board decides which course of action is best, at least the public will be aware that there ARE complaints out there.

I also urge anyone with a complaint of any nature, even if its a small one and seemingly insignificant to please contact the Medical Board with your complaint. You are not the only one.


Fawn Gilbride said...

Who ever you are, I dare you to post this.
My name is Fawn Gilbride. I am a local Licensed Midwife. I've been hearing about this blog for several months now and feel the need to comment. I believe this blog was started by another Midwife or someone connected to her. Why hasn't this person put their name on anything? This Midwife is not only hurting our community but also her sister Midwives. She obviously has a personal issue with Paula that should be handled in a more constructive way. The community needs to know there are several Midwives in our area that have been under investigation or lost their license. Thank goodness I'm not one of them, yet. We are all human and sometimes make choices for one reason or another that maybe we shouldn't. Trying to balance the rights and wishes of our clients and the protocals we should be following can be very difficult. When we have a bad outcome it shakes us all to the core. It also makes homebirth and Midwives look even worse to the people that already believe it isn't safe. Asking the right questions to the Midwife you are interviewing is very important. I've been to births with Midwives and Doctors, many with over 20 years experince and been shocked by some of the choices they've made. There are no guarantees, no matter who you choose or where you birth. Bad things can happen to anyone. Attacking each other and spreading rumors is not the way to improve the situation, please find a better way. Or, at least make it fair and start a blog about all of us. In fact I think we should start a blog about everyone on this list. I'm sure we could dig up some really juicy stuff!!

Jeanette King said...

I agree with you, Fawn. After reading much of this blog and comments, it feels like this is written by a person who was witness to or affected personally by a birth with a bad outcome that Paula attended.

I do not know Paula, and have never met her, but I am supportive of homebirth and am used to the general public's hysteria regarding the safety of midwives and out of hospital birth. Without solid evidence, none of these accusations mean anything, and without a face to attach to the author of this blog, it won't accomplish anything. If this truly is such an important issue, one would not hesitate to show one's face and attach his or her name to the accusations. What is there to fear if truth is on your side?

Paula Schnebelt Information Blog said...

Those who have posted comments anonymously are probably afraid of Paula harassing them. I know of numerous people who would agree that she has a very strong marketing mentality and tries very hard to sell. Of course people aren't going to want to be known if they were a client of hers and weren't happy. They don't want Paula to contact them and dig up all their old wounds!

Anonymous said...

I have my reasons for posting anonymously, that is all I can say. I think homebirth with a qualified midwife is wonderful. Unfortunately, it can be very challenging for parents to get the proper information they need to choose a competent provider. One would expect that a license would be enough, but sadly, it is NOT.

I support this blog and the information within. It's not a witch hunt. If it causes parents to do their homework, then it has served a purpose.

Anonymous said...

Shame on you Fawn Gilbride!!! I commented on the horrifying ordeal Paula put my husband & I through and did NOT do so anonymously!!! Paula does NOT scare me! Perhaps she scared US when we were attempting to experience the beauty of a home birth w/ our son, my husbands FIRST child but she doesn't scare me enough to post anonymously!!! My name us ANGELA PEPPE, I dare any of you who support Paula Scnebelt to contact me!!! She almost destroyed our birthing experience which turned our to be ABSOLUTELY perfect because we switched care to a truely competant mid-wife, Laura Paoletti!!! A perfect beautiful birth to a perfect beautiful child that Paula emplied the entire first 4 months was going to come early or even miscarry due to "dialation" of the cervix that was in fact, NOT occuring at all!!!!! As a matter of fact, a week before delivery I was given potocin to endive because of his size, not only did he NOT come, but I never dialated a single bit, was sent home, & returned on his delivery date and then and ONLY then did I dialate & deliver!!!! PAULA SCHNEBELT causes unfounded worry & distress and made medical claims about my pregnancy that were completely untrue!!!!!! Shame on the naysayers who are, regardless of actual testimony, are continuing to defend this quack!!! I'm not even going to get started about the horendous, humiliating and uncomfortable situation this woman put me & my husband in when she requested we come to her home in Anguin when we were under the impression shed come to us!!!!! Strange strange woman!!!!!