Sunday, October 11, 2009

Has Anyone Asked Her Yet?

So has anyone out there asked her about her training and education yet? A few commenters have said that the questions we have posed are ones she should be able to answer, so I am asking if anyone has asked her yet? Anyone? Any prospective parents out there who have asked?

If so, what was her answer? I would like to verify it. Simple enough, right? I think so.

Can she come forward herself and state her education, experience, and who her apprenticeships were with?


ANGEL said...
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ANGEL said...

I didn't even know this site existed! I just recieved word by way of an old email address I haven't been on in at least 6 mths... What very happily, turned out to be a magnificant & beautiful birth for my & my family, started w/ Paula.... IT DID NOT END W/ HER!!! Laura Paoletti (It's late & I'm tired so excuse me if I have her name wrong) a mid-wife in Napa, ended up taking over my health & pre-natal care @ approx. 5 mths. & subsequently delivered our mose beautiful & perfect son & she did an amazing job!!! PAULA on the other hand, had us sweating bullets! My husband is a Merchant Marine so he would be away often. She would get me all worked up thinking something is wrong w/ me or the baby or both & start herassing me day in & day out to get to the city (San Fran) for some major testing because of my age (32!!) and because 12 years earlier I had twins and told her I had to be cerclauged (sp?) TWINS! That is why! She would do cervial exams & claim that my cervix was dialteing, at no more than 43 mths. but it turned out that wasn'tthe case at all... She had us panic stricken that we were going to lose the baby. She always seemed out of it & yet very anxious as if something was always wrong... My husband and I grew very weary of her very early on & moved on to a new mid-wife. It's actually been so long now (2 1/2 yrs.) that I know there was more to this but my mind isn't registering everything. As a matter of fact, just after the birth of our son, I wrote to the web-site from which I originally found Paula through & told them everything that had us so upset & lead us to stop all care through her. We never felt omfortable w/ her and to make a long story, well, less long, on July 2nd 2007 our son came, just as planned, on his exact due date given by Laura Paoletti, w/ barely a hitch, the only minor issue we contended w/ was that he was rather big but even still, a perfect, vaginal childbirth. The Queen of the Valley allowed me to bring my birthing tub in and quite simply, LAURA PAOLETTI is our hero people!! She helped assist us through an amazing journey & a fabulous birthing experience!!! Had we stayed w/ Paula, I fear what would have happened!!! W/ her it was anything but calm, it was a nervewracking experience! I HIGHLY RECOMMEND LAURA PAOLETTI!!!

Anonymous said...

I would like to know if there are any updates on the complaints that have been filed with the medical board.

Anonymous said...

I was in fact a very happy consumer of Paula's services. I felt confident in her very early on into our relationship and have no complaints what so ever. She provided comprehensive, compassionate and knowledgeable care to me and my family. All of our questions about her education and experience were specifically answered and references given. These references and resources were provided in her handbook.