Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Medical Board of California Complaint Department The Medical Board of CA Complaint Page

The PDF link is to the Consumer Complaint Form.

I urge those who feel that they received substandard care or were majorly affected by her care to file a formal complaint. The only way for an order of suspension to be put into action on behalf of the lives affected is if enough complaints are brought into the Medical Board that must show "required burden of proof that continued practice will endanger public health, safety, and welfare." 

 Section 2519 of the Business and Professions Code says,
"The board may suspend or revoke the license of a midwife for any of the following:
a) Unprofessional conduct, which includes, but is not limited to, all of the following:
1- Incompetence or gross negligence in carrying out the usual functions of a licensed midwife.
2- Conviction of a violation of Section 2052, in which event, the record of the conviction shall be conclusive evidence thereof. (2052 speaks to the requirement of having a license to practice medicine or midwifery)
3- The use of advertising which is fraudulent or misleading.
4- Obtaining or possessing in violation of the law or prescribing controlled substances...
5- The use of any controlled substance or alcohol to a manner dangerous or injurious to himself or herself.
6- The conviction of a criminal offense involving controlled substances.
7- Commitment or confinement by a court for intemperate use of or addiction to the use of any controlled substance.
8- Falsifying or making grossly incorrect, grossly inconsistent, or unintelligible entries in any hospital, patient, or other record pertaining to controlled substances.
9- Procuring a license by fraud or misrepresentation.
10- Conviction of a crime substantially related to the qualifications, functions, and duties of a midwife, as determined by the Board.
11- Assisting or performing abortions.
12- Violating any provision or term of this section.
13- Making or giving false statements or information in connection with the application for issuance of a license.

So what does the "usual functions" of a licensed midwife entail? For one, it means having a proper education followed by a lot of experience. It means being able to handle normal, easy births, but also being able to handle those that are tough. It means being able to maneuver a normally sized baby, or even a big baby, out of the birth canal if it gets stuck. It also means knowing when its appropriate to stay home and when its time to transfer. It also means being able to correctly resuscitate a newborn who is not breathing, while waiting for emergency services to come.  It also means cooperating with emergency responders and hospital staff in the event of a emergency transfer. All these things, while difficult and unexpected, must sometimes be dealt with as a ''usual function'' of a licensed midwife. If you cannot, with confidence, say that you have the skills to do these things, then you shouldn't be in this work.


Anonymous said...

I agree with your qualifications of "usual functions". I think Paula fulfills all that. She attended my birth, which was typical. And I was present at a birth with a transfer. I saw no difference in her skill and competence.

Paula Schnebelt Information Blog said...

I don't know your skill level or understanding with birth, so i'm glad that you go to attend a birth with her. But, unfortunately, if you don't have experience in birth to recognize incompetence when you see it, then (unfortunately) you will believe anything she tells you. You can polish a turd, but its still a turd. You can smooth over incompetence, but eventually the truth will seep out that whats underneath is still there.

Anonymous said...

I know a fair amount about birth, thanks. I'm also intelligent enough and HAVE seen incompetence in my life, so I know what that is, too.

I'm not a sheeple. Hence the reason I home birthed in the first place!