Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Current Birth Survey for Paula

Here is the link to the Birth Survey reslults for Paula. Interesting how she compares to all the other LM's in the database. Overall she has a very unfavorable rating.

At the top of the report, there is  button that says "View Details". If you click on this, it will give a run down, question by question, about their satisfaction, if they would recommend her to others, etc.

I encourage all moms, whether they had a good experience or a bad one (in the last 3 years) to enter their information into the database on their place of birth and provider. That way moms know real ratings from real patients and can decide who their provider should be.


Anonymous said...

I've taken the quiz and gladly filled it out. I gave Paula high marks for everything. However, I did realize that you can take the quiz more than once. The results could easily be skewed.

Anonymous said...

Wow! I wish I had known about this survey 2 1/2 years ago when I gave birth to my first baby with Paula! I would have given highest rating in all categories.... and, I would have done the same 10 months ago when I gave birth to my second baby at home with Paula. Each birth had slight complications (posterior presentation with one, and a shoulder dystocia with the other)that Paula handled with wonderful skill and wisdom - resulting in 2 perfectly wonderful births with zero intervention. I am good friends with 4 other women who have also birthed at home with Paula - none of us knew about this website where we could leave feedback. I hope to spread the word to my friends so we can give Paula a proper approval reflection rating.

Paula Schnebelt Information Blog said...

I sure am glad she will get at least one positive review on the birth survey. Unfortunately it won't outweight all the negative ones that were left.

And Paula can ask all of her clients to go leave positive results for her. Just like you said, lets spread the word. Non-biased information is always good. Let the people come forward.

Anonymous said...

when you consider that, last I checked, only 11 people had filled out the survey - and, when you consider the fact that it can be completed more than once by a single person as long as you do it from different computers, the ratings don't mean too much. The survey cannot be considered as an accurate reflection as angry people who have a chip on their shoulder could easily fill it out several times and give poor ratings, just as easily as people who've had wonderful experiences with Paula - even when there were complications - can fill it out more than once with the best ratings. It's a shame that something so wonderful as 'The Birth Survey' project can so easily be skewed when people start "using" it to either attack or defend her.

Paula Schnebelt Information Blog said...

I think its making a pretty broad accusation to say that someone would complete it more than once. Most people aren't that calculating. I certainly can't make any conculsions about the survey other than that when compared to the other midwives who are rated in the survey, she rates poorly overall. That would concern me if I was looking for a midwife. It is for that reason I asked people who visited this blog to go to the survey site (which is in no way connected to me or this blog) and do the survey so that people (no matter who they were looking up or looking for) could get a pretty accurate rating for that person. I truly hope that the survey is not 'skewed' in any way and that people are only posting their true experiences. I look forward to the time when the survey site begins posting the comments that people write for the providers. Then you can read what people have written (positively or negatively) in their own words about the provider. On the site it says they are working on it, but who knows when that will be done?

For the record, I am not trying to attack her. I only want there to be an outlet for voices who have not been heard.