Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Update on Complaints for Paula by "Anonymous 2"

This is copied from a comment made on a previous post.

"Anonymous said...
First of all my heart goes out to you, I don't know the particulars of your situation but clearly you have suffered. Thank you for coming forward to speak about your experience with Paula.I think everyone should know that there are currently three cases of Paula's being investigated by the Medical Board of California. All of the complaints originate with both the parents and the medical personnel that care was transferred to. I don't agree that homebirth is unsafe when attended by qualified, competent providers with a low-risk mother and a hospital within 20-30 minutes. Everyone should be aware that the unexpected can happen and there should be the equipment, training and experience to deal with it. It is unfortunate that the bad eggs ruin the reputation of homebirth and the midwives that provide those services. Please heed the advice of the earlier blog and do your research and get references regardless of the birth location you choose."
August 26, 2009 12:18 PM

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